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Writing Prompt: A Mother’s Heart
What does your mother mean to you?
It might be difficult to put that into words, but this writing prompt will help you with that.
No sentences necessary and you even get to be creative with color!
You can write about another significant woman in your life as well.
Ready to bless your mom?
Celebrating L. Frank Baum: There’s no Place Like Home
“There’s no place like home. There’s no place like home,” says Dorothy Gale in the movie The Wizard of Oz.
L. Frank Baum, the author of the The Wonderful Wizard of Oz and the other Oz books, was born in May in 1856. That’s more than 150 years ago, but his statement is still true. There’s no place like home, and there’s no place like your home. (more…)
My End-of-School “Whew!” Moment
The end of the school year is fast approaching, and many of us believe it cannot get here soon enough. Others might be graduating students this year and are hit with feelings of pride and grief. I want to share an end-of-school-year “whew!” moment that I experienced. Has this been your experience as well?
Here’s what I wrote when my daughter was finishing her junior year: (more…)
3 Types of Poems for Poetry Month
Would you like to give your students some practice in writing poetry?
With these guided prompts, your students do not have to “sit down and write a poem” but will surprise you by creating something fun and maybe even memorable. Here goes . . . (more…)