Writing with Sharon Watson-Easy-to-use Homeschool Writing and Literature Curriculum

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Proofreading: Three Methods to Make it Easier

Proofreading: Three Methods to Make it Easier


Proofreading is never easy. Anyone who says it’s easy is trying to sell you something or has never actually tried it.

If we can’t make it easy, at least we can make it easier for our troubled, weeping students. In fact, with these three tips, you can change it from a job that requires the strength of a backhoe to one that uses a garden trowel.

Many professional writers use the first two methods in their own writing, and so can your students. The third one is exclusively for students.

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The Talking Shoes


personificationWhen was the last time your shoes talked to you?

Anthropomorphism is a word for “in the form of a human.” It’s close to the term personification, and if you mix them up, it’s okay by me.

Anthropomorphism means giving human attributes to something that is not human.  For instance, the Toy Story movies use anthropomorphism to give life to the toys, as do all the Transformer movies and any other movies or stories in which animals or objects talk, laugh, plan, and do other things humans do.

An example of someone’s shoes taking on the human characteristic of speech occurs in Alexander McCall Smith’s Blue Shoes and Happiness.  This passage comes just after the character believes she has made a terrible mistake with her fiancé and might have lost him:

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Create Your Own Guide to Popularity


popularityWhen Cress Delahanty wants to be elected freshman editor of her yearbook, she makes a list of traits needed to win the election.

Her mother asks her, “Traits like honesty, kindness, cheerfulness?”

Cress replies, “Nobody at school I ever heard of was popular for honesty.”

So she develops a plan: become known for something quirky. In “Trademark” by Jessamyn West, from Cress Delahanty, Cress decides to popularitydevelop her trademark by doing strange things like wearing her slippers to the bus and leaving her sneakers in public places to be found.

But her plan backfires.

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3 Powerful Tools for Writing Persuasively

3 Powerful Tools for Writing Persuasively


If your writer is reluctant, writing opinions is a good place to start. Everyone has opinions, and most students like to express theirs.

Opinions are all about the writer: “I love  . . . ,” “I think people should . . . ,” “I hate it when . . . .”

Writing to persuade someone else, on the other hand, is all about the reader. Your students make a shift in their thinking: What ideas and points do readers need before they will change their minds? A persuasion essay needs a few important tools.

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The Problem with Storage Units


storage unitsSelf-storage units are springing up in the United States like mushrooms in a warm, shady, moist lawn. You see those units around town with the garage doors lined up in row after row and perhaps wonder what could be behind all those doors.

When people have too much furniture or too many belongings in their houses or they move to a new location, they need a space to store that stuff.

Or maybe an entrepreneur sells items on eBay and needs the storage space for them. That’s where storage units come in very handy.

And it’s all a lot of fun until someone can’t pay the monthly rent anymore.

What happens to these storage units full of belongings when the rent is not paid?

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Create a Warning


warningDid you know that you should not spray Windex in your eyes? You did?

But did you also know that you should not use hair coloring as ice cream topping? Hmmm? Did you? Or that your TV’s remote isn’t dishwasher safe?

These and other crazy warnings

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Problem to Solution: Invasive Species

Problem to Solution: Invasive Species


The Florida Everglades’ delicate and balanced ecosystem is being threatened by new species of plants and animals that have no natural predators. For instance, Old World climbing fern, which is not native to Florida, is smothering plants that grow naturally there and that are needed for food and protection to other species.

The Burmese python, which used to be imported to Florida for pet stores,

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The Introduction’s Super Power

The Introduction’s Super Power


Introductions can be boring. Super boring.

Young writers think they have to fight with a blank piece of paper for that first, amazing sentence before they write anything else, and so they get stuck.

Cue the tissues. But it doesn’t have to be that way.

A mom recently asked me to look at her son’s essay. He was entering a state-wide speech contest on the topic of responsibility and had written a solid essay—except for the introduction. He was going to put his listeners to sleep with it.

We were all sitting at his kitchen table. I turned to this teen and asked him,

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