When I think of a new year and new beginnings, I think of Samson, the Bible’s strongman.
You know, Samson with the long hair. Samson who wanted to marry a woman from an enemy country, a woman his parents did not approve of. Samson who tore a lion apart with his bare hands and then pestered people about it. Samson who killed thirty men at his wedding. Samson who hung around with Delilah.
That Samson.
From Miracle to Self-centered
Samson’s life was miraculous from the beginning. His mother could not have children, but an angel of the Lord announced to her that she would have a child and that he would help free the Israelites from the iron fist of the Philistines.
For most of his life, however, he pretty much did whatever he wanted to do.
But here’s the amazing part, the part about new beginnings:
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