There are many gut-wrenching parts to the death of Jesus and his resurrection.
One is how Judas, a “friend” for three years, hands Jesus over to his enemies—with a sign of affection.
Another is when Jesus willingly steps into a rigged trial, one He knows He will lose.
Another troubling part of this account is when Peter, Jesus’ right-hand man, denies knowing Jesus even after he’s been warned that he will deny him. You can read about this in Mark 14:27-31 and Mark 14:66-72.
Jesus knows what Peter is doing. In fact, the Bible says that while Jesus is being mistreated in the house of the high priest, he turns and looks “straight at Peter” (Luke 22:61 NIV). At that point, Peter remembers the warning Jesus gave him, and he runs out of the courtyard and weeps “bitterly.”
The amazing part of Peter’s betrayal is that
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