Writing is hard. My students tell me this, and I believe them.

Writing makes their hands hurt. They don’t know what to write or how to write it. They have trouble coming up with topics. They’ll write if someone gives them a topic they are interested in. Or if someone gives them a topic, they don’t want to write.

Can you identify with any of these? If so, let’s make it easier on you.

Writing tip: When you are writing, be aware of your environment.

What do I mean by that? I mean be a detective and find out where you like to write and what you like around you when you write. Do you enjoy being in a room full of people, your favorite pet, or solid quiet when you write? Would you rather be at a desk . . . or slouched in the beanbag in the corner?

Writing tip: Writing is better if you know when you like to write, where, and how you like to write. Use this form to figure out these things about YOU! #writingprompts #homeschoolwriting #homeschool #freeprintables #homeschoolprintablesNow it’s your turn: Click or tap here to download a copy of the chart below. Then check all the boxes that apply to you. Last, write a few sentences to explain why you checked those boxes.

