“Let me tell you the secret that has led me to my goal. My strength lies solely in my tenacity.”


This quote is from Louis Pasteur, a famous scientist who lived in the 1800s and proved that it was not “bad air” that caused some diseases but actually microorganisms that we categorize as germs today. He also developed a vaccine for rabies, and his name is given to a method of killing germs in milk: pasteurization.

So, his secret is his tenacity, but what is it?

MIDDLE SCHOOL PROMPT: What can you accomplish if you have tenacity? Read about this famous scientist and then choose your prompt.

Now it’s your turn: Choose from the following options.
1. Look up the word tenacity in a dictionary. Write down two synonyms for tenacity or tenacious. Then write a new sentence with one of your synonyms.
2. Are you tenacious? If you are, write your story about a time when you showed tenacity.
3. If you were to define yourself by one characteristic, which one would you choose? Write your story about a time when you exhibited this particular trait or characteristic.

Illuminating Literature BundleDownload your FREE chapters from our new literature course Illuminating Literature: When Worlds Collide.

Teachers, connect with Sharon on Facebook or Pinterest!

Drop the Drama: Help Stuggling Writers Jump These 5 Hurdles Are your writers struggling? Do you wish you could figure out why your children won’t write? Would you love to have a peaceful writing class experience?

Help your struggling writers—and you!—by identifying five hurdles to writing. Then learn practical actions you can take against those hurdles.

This article by me in The Old Schoolhouse magazine is also loaded with links to other helpful posts that will give you and your writers some welcome relief.

Click here to drain some of the tension from your writing class


Frustrated that your students don’t finish an essay or don’t know the steps to complete one? Worry no more! Click here for my latest article in The Informer about a super-practical writing schedule you WILL use!


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