People ask me what I do in winter when there’s no baseball. I’ll tell you what I do. I stare out the window and wait for spring. ~Rogers Hornsby (former Major League baseball player)
A sure sign of spring is baseball.
Or spring peepers and sighting the first robin.
Maybe it’s when you
put away your sweaters and coats and get out your shorts and sandals or when the local ice cream parlor finally opens up again for the new season.
What to you is a sure sign of spring that you look forward to or dread each year?
Now it’s your turn: Brainstorm a few things that say “spring” to you. Include some senses like smell and taste. Then choose one of the following options:
- Write a paragraph describing it. Use as many senses as you can.
- Write a paragraph explaining why you chose that one sign of spring.
- Write a personal story telling about an experience you had concerning spring or the sign of spring you chose.
- Write a poem about something you enjoy about spring.
- Make a chart to compare spring with fall: weather, colors, and so on.
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