Everyone’s got them. No one is immune to problems.

Here’s Michael J. Fox, a famous actor, with his take on his debilitating and life-threatening medical condition:

Parkinson’s has made me a better person. . . .  Life delivered me a catastrophe, but I found a richness of soul.

This sounds very similar to what Joseph said after his ordeal of being sold into slavery by his brothers, being thrown into jail wrongly, and then saving the nation of Egypt and the surrounding countries during a seven-year famine. When those same brothers were afraid Joseph would get his revenge, he assured them by saying this:

You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives (Genesis 50:20 NIV).

Now it’s your turn: What troubles, problems, issues, or calamities have you endured that have made you a better person and given you richness of soul, as has been Michael J. Fox’s experience?

Or what have you gone through that is now helping others, like Joseph and his ordeal? Write your personal story in a few paragraphs.
