When Maya Angelou, author of the moving autobiography I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings, was eleven years old, she was reunited with her birth mother, whom she hadn’t seen in eight years. Young Maya was unhappy.
After two weeks, her mother still had not seen her smile. Here’s the exchange between Maya and her mother, recorded in Mom & Me & Mom (Random House, 2013):

“Come on, baby, smile for Mother. Come on. Be charitable.”
…..She made a funny face and against my will, I smiled. . . .
…..“That’s the first time I have seen you smile. It is a beautiful smile. Mother’s beautiful daughter can smile.”
…..I was not used to being called beautiful.
…..That day, I learned that I could be a giver simply by bringing a smile to another person. The ensuing years have taught me that a kind word or a vote of support can be a charitable gift.

 High School Writing Prompt -- When poet, Maya Angelou, was 11 years old, she learned that she could be a giver simply by bringing a smile to another person. What can you do to bring a gift to another person?

Now it’s your turn: What can you do that will be a charitable gift for someone? Choose a person. Choose the action. Then write about it in a paragraph, explaining what you can do.
