how to make a friendYou have friends. What did you do to make them? You are a friend, but how did you become one?

Have you ever thought of how to make friends? It is as simple as smiling when someone is sad, giving a genuine compliment, or being a good listener?

Or making a friend could be a process with many steps, beginning with step one and ending with step five (or as many steps as you like).

How to make friends

Now it’s your turn: Write a list of things people can do to make a friend. Your list can be a bunch of unrelated ways to make friends, like smiling and being a good listener. Or you can make a beginning-to-end process list: first, second, third, and so on.

What you have just written down is the brainstorming for a how-to essay on how to make friends. Take heart, though. You will not have to write the whole essay!

Once you have your ideas or list down on paper, choose one idea or one item on your list to write about. Then write one paragraph to show readers what to do.
