Writing with Sharon Watson-Easy-to-use Homeschool Writing and Literature Curriculum

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Define Your Terms

Define Your Terms


As a writer, it is important to define your terms. In fact, it’s one of your jobs. That way, all readers are on the same page with you and know what you are talking about. Why do you think Paul took up so much space in I Corinthians to define the word “love”?


“Tolerance” is a word that will need a definition when you talk to someone about it. Even the word “insane”

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Tell Me about Your Life as a Trapeze Artist: Interview into Narrative Essay

Tell Me about Your Life as a Trapeze Artist: Interview into Narrative Essay


My great-grandmother marked the day in her journal when she received her first icebox. What was she using for refrigeration before then?

One acquaintance traveled the world with the army during the Vietnam years and isn’t even allowed to tell me what he did, though he likes to tell me about the strange food he ate on those trips.

But I’m not the only one who knows interesting folks.

People in your family, your church, and your neighborhood have led remarkable lives as well. They’ve fought in wars and been in accidents. They’ve experienced disasters, invented things, started their own businesses, overcome debilitating abuse or sickness, beat the odds, seen the world, or eaten raw squid.

These people want to tell their stories to someone who will listen. And your children, in interviewing these people, will come away with a new perspective on history and life. This type of writing activity is well worth the effort.

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Be the Advice Columnist

Be the Advice Columnist


Dear Listening Ear,

My girlfriend and I were shopping yesterday, and I saw her steal a necklace from the store.  Today she gave the necklace to another friend as a birthday present.  Should I tell someone about my friend stealing?  Should I tell the girl who has the necklace that it’s stolen?


Confused in Corning

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Opinion: Strange Baby Names

strange baby names image

Audio Science. Fifi. Coco. Hopper. Apple.

What do these words have in common?

They are names that celebrities have given their children.

Celebrities aren’t the only ones giving their children weird or unusual names. There are a lot of strange names out there: Jedi, Google, and

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Your Resume

Your Resume


Who is this guy?

“I can build moveable bridges for you and also blow them up. If you want your enemies’ bridges destroyed, I can do that as well. I’m pretty handy designing and making catapults and trebuchet for your defense or offense. In times of peace, count on me as an architect to design not only buildings but also waterways. I can also sculpt or paint anything you would like. Oh, and by the way, if you want a demonstration of anything I’ve listed here, I’ll be glad to oblige you. Let’s set up an appointment on your property.”

These are paraphrases from a real resume penned in the late 1400s.

Who is this guy, and would you hire him?

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Grading Essays Made Easy #2: Point Orders

Grading Essays Made Easy #2: Point Orders


Grading your middle school or high school student’s essay can be difficult. Where do you begin? What criteria do you use?  How do you ask intelligent questions that will really get to the heart of the essay?

In this informative video series, I show you specifically what to look for when grading those homeschool essays. Grading Essays Made Easy #1 teaches you six key questions to ask of your student’s essay, beginning with the most obvious and proceeding to the least obvious.

For a free grading grid for middle school essays, click here. >>

For a free grading grid for high school essays, click here. >>

Point orders

The question in Grading Essays Made Easy #2  is this: Are the essay’s points arranged in a logical and effective order?

In this video, I’ll show you six different point orders your student can use when organizing his or her essays. They’re easy. They’re fun. And they’re all about trash.

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Noah: Devoted or Demented?

Noah: Devoted or Demented?


Noah was a righteous man who obeyed God. No, he was a psychotic mess who heard voices and saw visions.

God destroyed the earth in a worldwide flood because mankind’s sins were so great. No, he flooded the earth because we were cruel to animals and were destroying our planet.

Well, which is it?

Welcome to this week’s high school writing prompt. Is it about the new movie Noah?

Yes. And no.

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Should We Ban the Word “Bossy”?

Should We Ban the Word “Bossy”?


Bossy girls have been in the news—not really the girls themselves but the word bossy when describing girls or young women.

Sheryl Sandberg, Facebook’s former Chief Operating Officer, wants to ban the word bossy when describing girls. She believes it mischaracterizes young women with leadership skills. It seems that girls with leadership skills are sometimes called bossy, which demeans their talents, goals, abilities, and even themselves, while boys with leadership skills are not considered bossy. They are considered future leaders. You can learn more about Sandberg’s campaign by clicking here.

Other people believe the word bossy

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Do We Spend Too Much on Our Pets?


petsYou see this sweet puppy in the window of the pet store, and you can’t resist. You want to buy him. When you do, he leaps into your arms and licks your face. This little fellow is so happy—and so are you.

Now he’s a friend for life. You do everything together. He’s even considered a member of your family. But what happens if he becomes ill?

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