Can you believe there’s a day named Pluto Demoted Day? It is August 24, when in 2006, Pluto was demoted from a planet to a dwarf planet.

Recent photos of Pluto by NASA’s spacecraft New Horizons have been fascinating. Here’s one of them, with a lighter shape informally named “the heart”:


Now it’s your turn: In the spirit of science-fiction (sci-fi), write a short story of astronauts visiting Pluto and finding something extraordinary on it.

If you would rather, you can write about what you wish people would find on Pluto.

Middle School Writing Prompt - August 24, is Pluto Demoted Day, the day when, in 2006, Pluto was demoted from a planet to a dwarf planet. Write what you wish NASA had found on Pluto. #homeschoolwriting #writingprompt #homeschool #middleschool
Photo credit of Pluto: www.nasa.gov

A version of this prompt was first posted on SchoolhouseTeachers.com. You can go directly to SchoolhouseTeachers.com to sign up and take advantage of many exciting courses written for grades K-12.

Teachers, connect with Sharon on Facebook or Pinterest!

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This article by me in The Old Schoolhouse magazine is also loaded with links to other helpful posts that will give you and your writers some welcome relief.

Click here to drain some of the tension from your writing class


Frustrated that your students don’t finish an essay or don’t know the steps to complete one? Worry no more! Click here for my latest article in The Informer about a super-practical writing schedule you WILL use!


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