Many people want to be the best they can be at something, and when it comes to fathers, fatherhood.gov has some ideas. Here are three ideas from that website on how to be a good father:

  1. Respect your children’s mother.
  2. Spend time with your children.
  3. Read to your children.

With this writing prompt, middle school students explore ideas for how a man can be a better father and then practice writing a paragraph. #writingprompts #homeschoolwriting #homeschool #homeschooling

Now it’s your turn: Write down three more ideas for how men can be good fathers. Then choose one of your ideas and write a paragraph about it, explaining your idea or describing how to do it.

If you are stuck for ideas, think of Joseph, Mary’s husband and the stepfather to Jesus. What advice would you give him about how to be a father?
