Find treasureSo you’re out walking your dog one day, and you look down and see a rusty can partially buried under an old tree you’ve walked by hundreds of times. “Hmmm,” you say. “What’s up with that?”

When you investigate, you find not one but eight rusted cans filled with mint-condition coins from 1847-1894, neatly piled in each can according to their dates. Turns out, even though the coins themselves are only worth about $28,000, the value of the coins today is over $10 million. Eureka!

This scenario is exactly what happened to a middle-aged couple living in Northern California. You can read the rest of their story here and even view a video of the coins.

Now it’s your turn: What treasure would you like to find? Write a paragraph to explain what treasure you’d like to find and why you choose that one.

Or write a short story about someone finding a treasure. What will the treasure be? What will happen to the character who finds it?
