How to Write a Letter of Condolence

How many times have you had to write a letter of condolence? Unfortunately, your teens and students will have to write some in their lifetimes.

Your teens will have friends or family members who experience losses in their lives. Maybe their friends will be in an accident or will have to leave all of their friends behind to move to another city. Perhaps someone close to their friends will die, and your teens will want to make a connection to acknowledge the loss.

But how do they begin? How do they know what to say?

Use this “I Am Sorry for Your Loss” Tutorial that walks your students through helpful things to write and what to avoid.

In Day 1, your students will read the tutorial.

In Day 2, they will read examples of condolence notes written by real students for an assignment and then answer questions. Answers are provided for teachers.

And in Day 3, they will write their own letter of condolence.

Let’s equip our teens with this important life skill.
