
This digital bundle includes the textbook, Teacher’s Guide, and Quiz and Answer Manual. It also comes with the Novel Notebook, an essential part of the course that is always FREE!

Grades: 9 – 12

Semesters: 2

Christian content: Yes


Textbook, Teacher’s Guide, Quiz and Answer Manual all in one place! This DIGITAL bundle includes the Novel Notebook, which is an essential element of this course and is always FREE.

Get ample samples here. >>

Grading grids and answers are included for all the lessons, discussions, and quizzes in the textbook. Online quizzes are graded online for you. You can find the links to all the online quizzes here. (You’ll need the textbook or Teacher’s Guide for all the passwords.) For a FREE sample of a quiz, click here. To try a FREE quiz online, click here.

If you do not want your students to take the quizzes online, you will want the Quiz and Answer Manual.

Want to conduct a book-of-the-month club with your teens? The Teacher’s Guide includes a schedule for that, along with Facebook posts to keep your students interested in the novel they’re reading and to enrich their experience.

A monthly lesson plan is included in the Teacher’s Guide. Follow this link to download a suggested weekly teaching schedule. >>

Click here for free lesson plans for the first semester developed by co-op teacher Jennifer Biritz. >>

And the second semester plans are here. >> (Thank you Jennifer Biritz and Ellen Crombie!)

Click here for a free syllabus developed by co-op teacher Jennifer Biritz. >>

Classroom and co-op teachers, we’ve compiled all the grading grids from each novel into one eBook for you to make grading multiple students a little easier. Download it here. >>

Want to look at them separately?

Find the digital textbook here. >>

And the digital Teacher’s Guide here. >>

And the Quiz and Answer Manual here. >>

And the PAPERBACK version of the course here, with plenty of samples. >>
