Do you want to time travel?

What was it like when your ancestors first set foot on American soil? What did the Egyptian pyramids look like when they were first built, gleaming with layers of gold?

How did Jesus perform the miracle of healing the ten lepers? When you are twenty years old, what will the world be like?

One famous scientist, Stephen Hawking, believed people can time travel if they have the correct equipment: “a wormhole, the Large Hadron Collider or a rocket that goes really, really fast,” according to a report from Huffington Post.

Middle School Writing Prompt -- If you could time travel, would you? Would you rather go back in time to see something in history, or would you like to go forward to see the future?What would Hawking like to do if he traveled in time? Visit Galileo and his telescope or go to the future to see how everything ends.

Now it’s your turn: Choose any of the prompts below.

-Where would you like to go if you could time travel? Would you go to the past? The future? What would you like to see? What would you like to learn? Write your ideas.

-Write the first paragraphs of a story in which the main character travels through time.

-You have just traveled through time. Where did you end up? Future? Past? What happens when you get there? How do you get back (if you even want to). What do you bring back with you?

-If it were possible to travel through time, do you think people should be allowed to? Do you think they could change events if they went into the past?

-If you could go into the future to see what is going to happen, would you? Why or why not?

Teachers, connect with Sharon on Facebook or Pinterest!


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