Memories are powerful.

Jonas finds that out in Lois Lowry’s The Giver.

Memories can cause pain. They also can bring hope, courage, or feelings of love.

Although no one can transmit memories from one person to another simply by touching them, this is exactly what happens in The Giver, and a memoryparticular memory gives Jonas wisdom when he has to make an important life-and-death decision. I won’t say anything more because I don’t want to spoil the book or the movie for you.

Now it’s your turn: If you could transmit any memory to someone else, what memory would you choose to share? With whom would you share it? How would it be transmitted?

High School Writing Prompt - In Lois Lowry's The Giver, one of the elders transmits memories to the protagonist Jonas. What memory of yours would you give and to whom would you give it? #homeschoolwriting #homeschool #writingprompts #highschool
The Giver (2014) movie poster

You can find another writing prompt on the topic of The Giver here.
